Saturday, January 24, 2009

No naps!

Why do kids have to take naps? It's not fair! Taking naps is so boring when there are so many other fun things I could be doing. So I have come up with some fun ways to avoid going to sleep. Sometimes I pretend that I am going along with the whole nap thing - I lay down with my blanky and my stuffed animal - but then as soon as Mom walks out of the room I start calling her really loud. "Mom-eee!" She always comes back.

Other times I make her rub my back. She is actually pretty good at it. The problem with this nap-delaying technique, though, is that it feels so good that sometimes I actually do end up falling asleep from it...That's what happened at nap time today. I had no intention of going to sleep, but after a few minutes of back rubbing--well, I just couldn't help it!

The other thing I have been doing lately is asking for a snack as soon as she puts me into the crib at night. You see, Mom hates the idea of putting me to bed when I am hungry. So does Dad. If he hears me ask for a snack at bedtime he tells Mom that I should get one, otherwise he thinks I'll wake up in the middle of the night hungry. So, the minute I ask for the snack, just like magic we rush downstairs and I get a cracker and milk. Perfect! Then, she has to help me brush my teeth again, of course. Another ten minute delay (at least ten minutes. Check out my post on teeth-brushing from a few days ago and you'll see what a long time it takes!)

There are so many ways to put off going to sleep if you are smart enough. And cute enough. Just ask my mom.

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