Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Time to Brush

I love to brush my teeth! I have a whole teeth-brushing ritual. Here are the rules:

1) I have to use the green toothpaste. Only the green toothpaste. If someone happens to accidentally leave that icky blue stuff in my bathroom, then I have to send my mom to get the green toothpaste back.
2) I have to squeeze the toothpaste onto the toothbrush myself. Mom usually tries to help me--she's always mumbling something about how it can't be any bigger than pea-size, and she seems all worried that I am going to squeeze too much. But I never let her help me.
3) I have to brush all by myself. Mom can take a turn only after I have brushed for a long, long time.
4) I have to spit. Spitting is the most important part of the whole teeth-brushing experience. When you spit, you have to put your whole body into it, like this:

Who knew brushing your teeth could be so much fun?

1 comment:

Nicole said...

He is adorable! I love his dinosaur pjs! :)