Sunday, December 28, 2008

Don't try this at home

This is a picture of a kid on my street, "Chuckie Jones" (not his real name). His mom took this picture of him and is passing it around to other moms in the neighborhood. Whatever he is doing in this picture, it must be real bad, because none of us have seen Chuckie lately. I think he must have gotten grounded.

Anyway, Christmas was great and I have been so preoccupied with my all my new loot that I haven't had time to post lately. My favorite present was my Little Einstein's Pat-pat Rocket, followed by my 24-Pack of Play-Doh. Play-Doh rules! My mom even seems into it. She keeps opening the lids and closing her eyes to take long sniffs, whispering things like "mmm, this smells just like it did when I was a kid." She is so weird.


Sparrow said...

I can't wait to play with that play-doh with you! Just keep the lids on tight so it doesn't dry out. That was your grandma's favorite excuse for not letting us play with it- "It's all dried up." Yeah right!

Nicole said...

LOL, wow- I can't even imagine that little boys mom when she found him like that! too funny!