Monday, December 1, 2008

The Great Juice Diluting Conspiracy

I just learned that my Mom has been doing something very sneaky - she's been diluting my juice. I guess she figured that I would never know the difference. But I've recently tasted full-strength juice and let me tell you - I'm never going back to the toilet water she's been giving me. All this time I bought her lies! She would pour my favorite purple juice into my sippy cup. Then she would saunter over to the fridge, put the sippy cup nonchalantly under the water dispenser, and fill it the rest of the way with what I now know to be water. When I would protest, she would say to me, "Oh, no, sweetie, don't worry, Mommy is just making more juice for you. Extra special juice comes from here, and I mix it with the regular juice to make you special-wecial juice!" Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, and I'll karate-chop you. No more baby juice for me!

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