Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ginger Bread Houses, Oh My!

My mom decided the other day that it was finally time to have us kids make the ginger bread house from the kit that Grama gave us. For some reason Mom didn't seem happy at all when Grama first gave it to us, and I even caught her trying to hide it in the junk room in the basement. But my sister kept begging her to let us make it, so finally she agreed. She set everything out on the table--the pieces of ginger bread, the icing, and all the tiny little candy pieces. I couldn't wait to dig in!

Then, Mom actually tried to pull a fast one on me - she let my sister and brother sit up at the table and she tried to stick me on the floor to watch Barney. Ha! Did she really think I was going to sit and watch Barney while there was candy and sticky icing to play with? Honestly, Mom!

First, Mom built the house by gluing the walls together with icing. The directions said to wait in between each step so the icing could dry, but she said we didn't have time for that. Maybe that's why the walls kept collapsing. Finally, she got it to stay together by using something called Super Glue, and she mumbled a lot of bad words the whole time.

The best part was when she spread icing on the roof and we got to stick the little candies on. My brother and sister were trying to make fancy patterns with the candy, but I prefer to make more random designs. My brother kept trying to trick me by saying "Look! It's Santa Claus" and pointing in the other direction. I was pretty sure he was taking my pieces of candy off when I turned my head, but what was I going to do? I'm a toddler - if someone says Santa is in the other room, I'm gonna look! Anyway, after all that work, I think the ginger bread house came out pretty beautiful, don't you?

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