Monday, December 1, 2008

Let Me Introduce Myself

Let me introduce myself...I'm One-sock. One-sock Carter. Okay, that's not my real name, but that's what my family calls me. You see, I start the day out with two socks, like everyone else, but somehow I always end up running around the house with just one sock. Sometimes I pull it off because I have eczema and I like to scratch my ankle. Other times I hide it, like in the freezer, just to see what Mom will say.

I have it real good, because I'm two and a half and I'm the baby of the family. I have an older sister, an older brother, and a Mom and Dad who give me lots of attention. Mom says I'm a born entertainer, but I'm really just about having fun. Oh, and getting my way. That's pretty important to me, too. I am two and a half, after all.

This is my blog, and these are my adventures. Later on I want to tell you about the Juice Diluting Conspiracy I just stumbled upon, but I gotta go get my diaper changed. I'll be back later!

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